Friday 4 May 2012

Sage and Autumn

In an Autumn mood I just had to include these moths.(But really, to be honest I've been looking to get them up for ages!)  It's a plate from "Rambles in Autumn", a book from a little set called "The Circling Year".
Very English, but so was the weather today!

Think I might have been feeling the quiet in the garden when I chose the sage colour for this little table. It's almost ready.
It's one of those pieces I wish I had a spare spot for myself.

Meanwhile, Autumn quinces are fab. I highly recommend quinces.

And perhaps the sky is somewhat grey but hey, the nasturtiums are still going crazy under the lime tree (which itself is being slightly lazy).
Maybe it's just me but they just make me think of the 70's.
The happy shape, the colour??

And, a bit more colour. 

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