Wednesday, 21 August 2013

inta galactic!!

Intergalactic, Intergalactic...
Cannot get the Beastie Boys out of my head.
or these
Crazy cute Sputnik pics!!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Oh, life's been kicking my ass for a while so i haven't been around blog land for a bit.

Barely remember how to post but glad to have made it back here finally.

Settled in again with the idea of just enjoying posting the random stuff that takes my fancy.

You know I like sparkly rocks. 
Here's some from the Melbourne Museum display.
Colours are tantalising and unearthly (weirdly enough)!

Next time someone asks you to use "natural" colours - think of these lovelies.  

Monday, 11 February 2013


Been away, been working my fingers to the bone - well, been working them hard anyway.  Results below.

Sometimes things come together in strange ways hey?

Had been musing on making some much larger pieces when the phone beeped and there's a text from the lovely Estelle... 
And what do you suppose she was looking for?  Luckily enough it was a long and natural knotted piece that she had in mind to go with a gorgeous dress from her new Micky in the Van collection.


Have to say that these long strings were something of a challenge.  Patience is a virtue...

And here it is in the Estelle Store.  Relief! It works!

And finally, thanks again to Estelle for this photo from the forest shoot of her new collection.  Can't wait to see more!