Sunday, 24 June 2012


As promised, cozy interiors....


We have a Russian duvet in my Family that is known as the "brick doona".
It's so chock full of feathers that you are pinned under it like it's full of bricks.
I know that might not sound like a good thing.
But it is. 
I love it.
 I feel like a bear hibernating underneath it. 

As is this.. Less traditional, just as lovely.


Scottish ski lodge? Yes please.

All treasures found in the always amazing World of Interiors.  
No.1 from a home that was happily rescued and rebuilt for posterity in Bavaria.  See here. Photo B and R Stoeltie.
No.2 Design here.  photo Henry Wilson.
No.3 Oh for a Scottish ski lodge... Design here.
photo Tom Mannion

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


There's no escaping it so I'm trying to embrace it. Grey days.

But a little bit beautiful too don't you think?

It has reminded me though of some cosy interiors that I have been meaning to post.  I think they will complement this weather beautifully. Promise them soon!

Another grey and stormy photo here too. 

Friday, 15 June 2012


Workroom, studio, study or just plain old spare room. 

I think it takes time to carve out a space that you're able to work in at home.  Much of my work still spreads out to other parts of the house but it is so nice to have a spot where just my particular chaos can reign.  I'm sure everyone else appreciates it not completely taking over our home too.

I love seeing other home workspaces. Factor in general household goings on and it amazes me what can be put together on a kitchen table. 

By the way, these photos are close ups mainly due to the current state of disarray in my workroom but I promise some other views in the future.  On a positive note - it does mean I've been busy! 

Friday, 1 June 2012



Rock and Roll


Dream Combination.

Oh thank you Daeted at the Black Hatt.